All students are welcomed in our college in this new session.
“Education is a Boon, and Un-Education is a curse.” Education
does not mean only Literacy or Knowledge of the books or to
achieve the Degree of any Educational University. In fact,
Education means- “ All round development of the personality.”
i.e. Physical, intellectual and Spiritual progess of the persons.
The students of our college, may progress in all spheres of life and
with devotion, sincerity and hard working may enlighten the society
with the “Divya Prakash” of Education, these are my blessings and good
wishes for them.
It should be remembered here, that poverty, Low caste, Rural and Interior
surroundings may create hindrance in the path of the Progress, “Strong will
power” however is key to progress.
With good wishes,
D.P. Degree College